Why Data and Technology

Data and the ability to act upon data are critical to the development of a country. Any planning, allocation and implementation requires data to effectively run/iterate programs, draw investments and adequately measure progress towards socio-economic goals.

A majority of countries in Africa lack this information at all levels required for data-driven decision making due to a lack of data use culture as well as inadequate funding, resources and analytical capacity, with basic data building blocks such as birth, death, growth etc. missing.

By thinking of government as a business, citizens as customers and data as business intelligence, we have the potential to re-design how governments and citizens interact with one another and how informational flows. As access to basic technology mushrooms, there is no better time to re-invent ourselves.

How We Use Data

What is Pollicy?

Pollicy is a technology consulting and development firm aimed at improving government service delivery through improved civic engagement and participation. Our mission is to digitally transform government service delivery for all citizens. We function at the intersection of data, technology and design.

Collaborate with Us

At Pollicy, we are looking to build a culture around data and technology. Join us in bringing together the best minds and ideas across the continents to create an ecosystem based on delivering what’s best for the citizen. To collaborate or contribute, please send us a message via the contact form below.

  • Academics
  • Data Scientists
  • Civil Society
  • Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Private Companies
  • Bloggers

  • Technologists

Our Work

What we’ve been up to lately.

Feminist Data
Feminist Data
Exploring the Use of Data by Feminist Movements in Africa
Alternate Realities, Alternate Internets
Alternate Realities, Alternate Internets
Feminist Research for a Feminist Internet
Building Data Skills among Women Politicians
Anti-Trafficking Technology Platform
Choose Your Own Fake News
Choose Your Own Fake News
Interactive Fiction Game on Disinformation
Create Your Kampala
Create Your Kampala
Data Artistry with Communities

Who Are We

Change We Strive For

We are a group of technologists, data scientists, creatives and academics looking to innovate government service delivery across Africa. We work with governments, civil society, NGOs and the private sector re-design services around citizen needs and demands. This is accomplished through strategic consulting, user-centered design, research and capacity development of key actors within governance. We believe in co-designing and co-creating better experiences.

Skills We Use

Strategic Consulting 95%
Service Development 89%
Research and Analytics 97%
Capacity Development 90%

Our Team

Neema Iyer

Neema Iyer

Gilbert Bayamba

Gilbert Beyamba
Head of Programs

Bonnita Nyamwire

Bonnita Nyamwire
Research Manager

Garnett Achieng'

Garnett Achieng’
Researcher, Data & Digital Rights

Phillip Ayazika

Phillip Ayazika
Program Manager

Sandra Nalubega

Sandra Nabulega
Junior Researcher

Arthur Kakande

Arthur Kakande
Data Scientist

Wilson Lukwago

Wilson Lukwago
Design Lead

Juliet Acom

Juliet Acom
Finance Lead

bridget Kivumbi

Bridget Kivumbi
Admin Lead

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